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Rodrigo Shiordia

Week 4 Assignment: Electronics Production

ATSAMD SWD PROGRAMMER/2022 FabTiny Board Milling the board Group Assignment: Calibrating Roland MCX-20 Stepper driver board


The global chip scarcity in 2022 made us reliant on the ATSAMD11C14A chip. Because the AtTiny 412 or the 1614 were nowhere to be sourced from, so on our lab we decided to go with the SAMD11C chip.
I decided to go with the FAB SWD programmer mainly because the ease of use - we don't have many 10 wire connectors in our lab so this one works well for us. Even better, the SWD D11C - RST fix version has the least components of them all -no LEDs though. It only has to 2 capacitors, one rsistor and one regulator, apart from the header pins, USB connector and the chip itself.
I actually made both, here is the milled board, please see here for details on milling using our MDX-20.
Here is the first one aling with the 3d printed raft:

We used MODS CE for generating toolpaths and sending to the machine. Here is a quick screen grab of the settings.

For some reason I couldn't program it using EDBG and the ICE programmer. I only had success using OPEN OCD

Here are the steps to program it:

With my programmerdone, I made another programmer. The reason I made two is because the first issue with Atmel ICE not working with EDBG.
Since I had the programmer at hand I decided to try my programmer using EDBG. And it worked!!:

I used this code to flash it:
edbg -ebpv -t samd11 -f free_dap_d11c_mini.bin

FabTiny ISP

I made the fabTiny Programmer and programmed it using the AVRISP mkII I soldered all the components and used a USB hub to connect it to the computer.

I made the fabTiny Programmer and programmed it using the AVRISP mkII I soldered all the components and used a USB hub to connect it to the computer.

Milling the board


Our fablab already had mods set up with a Linux Machine. We fired it up and generated toolpaths after zero-ing the machine (ROLAND MDX 20). we also used the processing sketch and mods CE. Really the defaults that are set up there are great. The only setting that we've changed after breaking a couple of endmills is the speed. we changed it to 1mm/sec as you can see on the image:

In reality the first time I made this assignment I actually made the hello board, so here's the actual first board that I made:

The chosen settings were:
tool diameter: .4mm
offsets: 4
speed: 1mm/sec
depth after zeroing: -0.2mm

The board looks like this after milling and sanding.

I made three, to have one to practice timing on soldering, and a backup one.

This is the fully assembled board.

This is a list o the components I used:

You can see a working version and a step by step programming of this board on week 8 assignment.

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Characterizing the machine.

Board milling tests
The test file was sent to the Roland several times. We honed in on zero-ing, depth of cut, offset and speed.
This is the milled board with all the tests. Bottom Right is the winner. Settings described above.
Here is the link to the group assignment

Stepper Motor Driver Board with pressure sensor

My electronic system consists of a pololu A4988 stepper driver and an ATTiny44 that controls the stepper and receives input from the pressure sensor.

As you can see, the pressure sensor is working, and the motor as well. It actually took me 3 redesigns of the board, as well as several tries at soldering correctly.

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